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Re: [openpgp] AEAD Chunk Size

2019-04-15 19:16:23

On Mon, April 15, 2019 8:00 pm, Jon Callas wrote:


Me too. I think saying 256K is fine. I have an intuition it ought to be at
least as large as the largest Jumbo Frame, and that's 9K so round to 16K.
Let me restate the proposal.

(1) MUST support up to <chunk-size> chunks.
(3) MAY support larger up to the present very large size.
(4) MAY reject or error out on chunks larger than <chunk-size>

And it seems that 256K is the proposal for <chunk-size>. Are we agreed on
all that?

I would rather 256K not be the One Required Size.  It's larger than the
RAM size on some of my systems.  I would still prefer 16K (or even 8K).


       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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