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Re: OPES protocol, pre-draft

2003-03-18 16:15:35

On 19:26 18/03/03, Markus Hofmann said:
jfcm wrote:
Notwidthstanding the document I do not understand yet what is an OPES and what is an OPES processor - and it seems that I am not alone. But I fully understand what is a dispatcher and what is a server.

Dear Markus,
I thank you for your response. It is my reading of the document. If the words probably render the thinking at a given time, I think they are inapropriate now. What they mean is that the OPES are not located on the "OPES processor" but one of the "callout server". Also the OPES processor only supports the dispatcher and the i/o.

The "data dispatcher" is part of the OPES processor (see Figure 1 and corresponding text in the architecture draft). You might think of the OPES processor as a physical box/network element, and about the data dispatcher being a specific software component on this box. Note that "OPES processor" does not refer to a "processor" in the sense of a processor chip, but rather to the entire "box".

I do not see the dispatcher as a CPU, nor as a machine, but as a diagram corresponding to a set of filtering rules. With I/O the in being the input data, the O being the output to the user or to the servers or to other dispatchers. This can be implemented in different ways.

A little bit simplified, you might think of having two different types of boxes in the OPES architecture - the "OPES processor" and the "callout server". The OPES processor includes a data dispatcher (that's simply a functional component), which decides what services have to be executed on what messages.

Taking advantage of this, you do understand.
- has the callout server a dispatcher as a front end (the callout protocol performing between disptchers) or not (the callout protocol performing beteween a dispatcher and a remote server). In the first case I understand how the sytem can be smart, in the later case I don't. - what does the dispatcher do with the part of the traffic it does not send to the server and it received?

You see I do not feel at ease with the focus on the protocol before having a clear, terse and comon understanding of what it relates, under which constraints and with which mission.