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Re: SMTP Use Cases

2004-11-13 08:28:52

Sorry for the typo; it was not so important and I suppose context was explicit.
As you know I think that a front-end program on an MTA can (_not_) be called an OPES....

I will add another important service: mail anonymizing. This is a feature provided in some mailing list. The problem is that it only anonimizes the header. If the mail is a reply-to, the name of the replier is often in the return formula "at 16:24 etc. John Doe etc".

There are many applications, but this feature is for example important in "dynamic online voting" - wich is probably the only secure simple and cheap online voting solution I know: the ballots are sent to voters (with a ballot ID) who reply in anonymous way to the watchdogs mailing list, and may be to the voters list but without the votes.

The witnessed times of vote and time/ballot ID checking (real time or at the end) by the voters themsleves prevent tempering. Result is the release by the watchdogs of the ballots they received which should all be the same. Everyone has then all the ballots. This method permits to run a vote with everyone involved being under suspicion (the best is that watchdogs are for example the candidates - so there is no suspicion of collusion). The only problem is that a trusted third party introduces the sent ballots ID and anonymizes the received ballots. Every existing solution will be under suspicion, and every server related solution may have hidden archives.

Not OPES dedicated services (possibly two: one for inserting IDs, one for anonymizing) independent from the concerned voting college.

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