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2005-02-24 08:39:29


Thanks for clarifying AP#4 and response modification cases. We may have a scope problem here, similar to what we had with HTTP when we realized that we have to deal with 1xx responses. OPES/HTTP scope is adaptation of a single HTTP request or a single HTTP response augmented by request info.

In OPES/SMTP, we currently seem to be talking about adapting a single SMTP command or a single SMTP command response (augmented by the corresponding command info, I guess?). Is that the right scope? It was reasonable to limit OPES/HTTP scope to request/response because HTTP is mostly stateless (and OPES is not allowed to adapt HTTP connections which are kind of statefull in HTTP). However, could it be a design mistake to introduce the same scope boundaries for adaptation of a stateful SMTP dialog? It seems to me that results/information from earlier commands would have to be known to OPES callout servers adapting later commands. Should OPES/SMTP scope be an entire dialog related to a "single" email (and not a single command from that dialog)?? Can a callout server reliably adapt an SMTP dialog by modifying isolated commands, without controlling and knowing the entire command sequence??

What is the primary difference between OPES/SMTP and Milter approach: If we wrap Milter calls in OCP, would we get OPES/SMTP?

Thank you,


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