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Comments on the Cryptographic Message Syntax

1997-11-06 08:37:01
Some comments on the Cryptographic Message Syntax spec:

1. ASN.1 Canonical Encoding Rules should be allowed

   pass operation has one significant drawback; it is difficult to
   perform encode operations using the Distinguished Encoding Rules
   (DER) encoding in a single pass since the lengths of the various
   components may not be known in advance. Since DER encoding is
   required by the signed-data content type, an extra pass may be
   necessary when a content type other than data is encapsulated.

Why does the signed-data content type require DER? Why doesn't it allow the 
choice of CER or DER, with the digest algorithm-identifier indicating which? 
For example, SHA-1 on the CER encoding would have a different 
algorithm-identifier to SHA-1 on the DER encoding. [For anyone unfamiliar with 
CER, it is defined in the 1994 version of ASN.1, and is identical to DER except 
that CER uses indefinite length encoding (which permits single-pass encoding) 
and constructed encoding of strings.]

2. There is an ambiguity about which octets are input to hash and encryption 

   The message digest calculation process computes a message digest on
   either the content being signed or the content together with the
   signer's authenticated attributes. In either case, the initial input
   to the message digest calculation process is the "value" of the
   content being signed. Specifically, the initial input is the content
   octets of the DER encoding of the content field of the ContentInfo
   value to which the signing process is applied. Only the contents
   octets of the DER encoding of that field are input to the message
   digest algoritm, not the identifier octets or the length octets.

   When the content being signed has content type data and the
   authenticatedAttributes field is absent, then just the value of the
   data (e.g., the contents of a file) is input to the message digest
   calculation. This has the advantage that the length of the content
   being signed need not be known in advance of the encryption process.

   Although the identifier octets and the length octets are not included
   in the message digest calculation, they are still protected by other
   means. The length octets are protected by the nature of the message
   digest algorithm since it is computationally infeasible to find any
   two distinct messages of any length that have the same message

The first of the three paragraphs above says something different about which 
octets are input into the hash function than the implication of the second and 
third paragraphs. Consider the encoding of the content field of the ContentInfo 
in the following examples:

For the data content type:

Identifier      Length  Contents
[0]             nnn     
                        Identifier      Length  Contents
                        OctetString     nnn     xxxxxxxxx

For the signed-data content type:

Identifier      Length  Contents
[0]             nnn     
                        Identifier      Length  Contents
                        Sequence        nnn     
                                                Identifier      Length  Contents
                                                Integer         1       1

The first paragraph above says that it is the contents octets of the content 
field which is input to the hash function - i.e. octets starting with the 
identifier for OctetString in the case of the data content type - but the 
second paragraph implies that it is just the contents octets of this 
OctetString. Should the first paragraph be changed to replace "content octets 
of the DER encoding of the content field" by "DER encoding of the content 
octets of the type within the content field"? That is, does the input to the 
hash start with the identifier for Integer in the case of signed-data?

3. User Keying Materials

Surely these should be included within the parameters component of the 
algorithm-identifier for algorithms which require such material.

4. RecipientKeyIdentifier

RecipientKeyIdentifier is not an adequate identification of a recipient, since 
subjectKeyIdentifier is only unique within the scope of an individual 
recipient, and it is not accompanied by any other identification of the 
recipient. I suggest that the more general CertificateAssertion syntax from 
X.509 should be used instead of the restrictive subjectKeyIdentifier:

     RecipientKeyIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
          recipient-name                  Name,
          recipient-certificate-selector  CertificateAssertion}

5. Originator Certificate selection

Some key agreement algorithms use different originator keys for different 
recipients. It is therefore necessary to add an originator-certificate-selector 
to RecipientInfo:

     RecipientInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
          version Version,
          rid RecipientIdentifier,
          keyEncryptionAlgorithm KeyEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier,
          encryptedKey EncryptedKey,
          originator-certificate-selector CertificateAssertion OPTIONAL }

Jim Craigie

NET-TEL Computer Systems Ltd
1 Wyld Farm, Hampstead Norreys, Newbury, Berkshire, RG18 0TF, UK
Tel:  +44 1635 202124          Fax:  +44 1635 201424
X400: G=Jim; S=Craigie; O=Net-Tel Computer Systems Ltd; P=Net-Tel; A=Gold 400; 
Internet: Jim(_dot_)Craigie(_at_)net-tel(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk