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RE: Redundant Cert Mgmt Protocols

1998-02-03 14:31:45
On Monday, February 02, 1998 3:00 PM, dpkemp(_at_)missi(_dot_)ncsc(_dot_)mil
[SMTP:dpkemp(_at_)missi(_dot_)ncsc(_dot_)mil] wrote:
This point cannot be stressed strongly enough!  Paul, you are not
shy about expressing your opinions at IETF meetings.  But other S/MIME
developers need to send a clear message to our PKI product vendors
that the lack of a single PKIX standard for PKI management messages
is getting in the way of business.

I like having multiple certificate request formats.  It keeps me working
to write code for new ones.

Seriously, I am very much behind having a single format that can be
encapsulated and transmitted over an arbitrary channel (for example,
email or HTTP).  I agree with what John Pawling and Jim Schaad have said
in this area.  I have also not been shy about saying that I want only
one standard for this.  It is getting in the way of business.

In any case, I am also for removing any language from the current body
of S/MIME v3 specifications (cert, msg, ess and cms) that has to do with
certificate request formatting, since I have come to the thinking that
this is irrelevant to the task at hand (encapsulation and transmission
of CMS objects using email, or S/MIME).


Blake C. Ramsdell
Worldtalk Corporation
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