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ESS-05 comments

1998-05-01 12:23:25
1)Sect 4.4 states that the "The receipt policy of the ML can withdraw the
originator's request for the return of a signed receipt."

Shouldn't the originator be advised of this withdrawal?  The User Agent
might try to keep status information on messages requiring a signed receipt
without knowing that a receipt will never arrive.  The MLA could send the
originator some kind of signed receipt to warn the User Agent and the

2)Some organizations require that some mailing list members be exempted to
receive a message distributed by a mailing list agent.  I suggest to modify
the MLData type as follows:

        mailListIdentifier EntityIdentifier,
                --EntityIdentifier is imported from [CMS]
        expansionTime GeneralizedTime,
        mlReceiptPolicy MLReceiptPolicy OPTIONAL,
        exemptedAddress SEQUENCE OF GeneralNames OPTIONAL}

If exemptedAddress exists the MLA should remove the recipients identified
by GeneralNames.
Capt Y. Theriault
National Defence Headquarters
PMO Defence Message Handling System Hardware Engineer
MGen R. Pearkes Building, Ottawa K1A 0K2
office:  (613) 995-6476
email:   aa862(_at_)issc(_dot_)debbs(_dot_)ndhq(_dot_)dnd(_dot_)ca

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