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Re: ESS-05 comments

1998-05-06 05:32:45
Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:

At 11:37 AM 5/5/98 -0400, John Pawling wrote:
I believe that if the originator does
not want to send the message to the entire ML, then it is the originator's
responsibility to construct a separate ML including the desired recipients
or to compose a list of the individual recipients (i.e. not use an ML at

John's right here. It is bad protocol practice to say to a remote processor
"here's what I want you to do" when you can cause the same actions yourself.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium


The problem is that if the list is quite large the burden placed on the user 
could be too much for them to handle.  Besides the originator may not know all 
the recipients - they might know that it's a community of people but not all 
the people in the community.  With that said ...

I'm not thinking about this in terms of a "security function" because if you 
don't want a recipient to get the message then some form of access control 
should be employed.  I'm a thinking of it in a sense of I've got to send a 
message to a community of people to arrange Sara's birthday party, but since 
it's Sara's birthday party I don't want Sara to know about it so I exempt her 
address.  Since it's not a security feature, in my mind, then I agree with John 
P's that it should not be added in ESS or CMS.  I think the idea is more 
applicable as a general heading field. 

I'm not sure Capt Y. Theriault and I were thinking of using it in the same way 
so if we're not on the same wavelength let me know (I don't want to 
misrepresent the Captain's motivations for exempted addresses).


Sean Turner - IECA, Inc.

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