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Re: what to say on timeout?

2004-01-04 22:32:32

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard O. Hammer" <ROHammer(_at_)EarthLink(_dot_)net>
To: <ietf-smtp(_at_)imc(_dot_)org>
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 10:47 PM
Subject: Re: what to say on timeout?

But there is the 421 message which SMTP servers can send.  RFC 2821,
Section 3.9 says:

    An SMTP server MUST NOT intentionally close the connection except:
    -  After detecting the need to shut down the SMTP service and
       returning a 421 response code.  This response code can be issued
       after the server receives any command or, if necessary,
       asynchronously from command receipt (on the assumption that the
       client will receive it after the next command is issued).

It seems to me that timeout because of inactivity has some similarity
with the circumstance calling for a 421 response code.  In both cases
the server is going to terminate the connection.  If it is expected to
send a response code asynchronously from command receipt in the case
of forced server shutdown, why not in the case of timeout?

Because the client is not expecting it.

Unless I misunderstanding,  the above is based on the idea that the CLIENT
has already sent a command and is currently waiting for a server response.

I don't know if any internet client protocol, maybe with the exception of
FTP, where it can get a unsolicated server response.  A standard
client/server protocol state machine is simply not designed for this.
Clients are not going to wait around for something it is not expecting.  It
issues a command, waits for a response.  The client drives the server. Not
the other way around.

It is outlined like this:

                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept
         SendCommand("MAIL FROM:")
                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept
         SendCommand("RCPT TO:")
                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept
                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept
                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept

etc.  It is not an asynchronous concept such as:

                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept

         CheckForAnyMoreServerResponse()    // /Asynchronous Concept
         SendCommand("MAIL FROM:")
                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept

         CheckForAnyMoreServerResponse()    // /Asynchronous Concept
         SendCommand("RCPT TO:")
                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept

         CheckForAnyMoreServerResponse()    // /Asynchronous Concept
                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept

         CheckForAnyMoreServerResponse()    // /Asynchronous Concept
                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept

Now, if that is what is being suggested here, then that would completely new
to me and an odd, non-standard client/server design methodology.

The only thing close the above is maybe this:

                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept

         CheckForSocketAlive()    // /Asynchronous Concept
         SendCommand("MAIL FROM:")
                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept

         CheckForSocketAlive()    // /Asynchronous Concept
         SendCommand("RCPT TO:")
                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept

         CheckForSocketAlive()    // /Asynchronous Concept
                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept

         CheckForSocketAlive()    // /Asynchronous Concept
                WaitForResponse()    // Synchronous concept

Which can be already done at the SendCommand() with an implicit socket close
error on the send() command.


Hector Santos, Santronics Software, Inc.

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