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RE: Mail Data termination

2011-08-17 01:15:03

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ietf-smtp(_at_)mail(_dot_)imc(_dot_)org 
[mailto:owner-ietf-smtp(_at_)mail(_dot_)imc(_dot_)org] On Behalf Of Murray S. 
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 10:03 PM
To: ietf-smtp(_at_)imc(_dot_)org
Subject: RE: Mail Data termination

SMTP has always held
that the client is responsible for retrying delivery until the server
gives a 250 or 5xx back after DATA, at which point the server is now
responsible for the message.

Sorry, that's not quite right:

SMTP has always held that the client is responsible for retrying delivery until 
the server gives a 250 or 5xx back after DATA, at which point the server has 
either accepted or finally rejected the message; if the message is accepted, 
the server is now responsible for its relay or delivery.

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