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Re: [ietf-smtp] homework, not an experiment, draft-crocker-email-deliveredto

2021-08-02 18:39:42
On 8/2/2021 11:22 AM, John Levine wrote:
On further thought, this experiment makes no sense.

We have two decades of experience with Delivered-To. It has multiple
compatible implementations that have have worked the same way for decades.

Sorry that I missed your previous commentary here, on the technical aspects of the draft that create a problem.

(Something must be misbehaving with either my mail system or the IETF's, since this is at least the second time I've seen a note from you offering a conclusion where I missed the foundation.)

Please point to the messages that have outlined what the details are that make it impossible for this draft to be viable.

Since there is no chance that the implementations will change,

Your certitude is impressive.  Please document its basis.

PS: Isn't this how IETF standards used to work, write a couple of separate 
see if they interoperate, and then write it up as a draft standard?

Given your extensive IETF experience, it's surprising that you'd offer an historical summary this skewed, covering some of what has been done, while missing so much else of what has been done. In other words, it used to be done, sometimes. And it still is. Sometimes. And it wasn't done, sometimes. And it still isn't. Sometimes.

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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