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Re: Starting the ietf-xml-mime mailing list

1999-04-07 07:52:34
At 14:35 1999 04 05 +0900, Martin J. Duerst wrote:
Define one parameter, maybe named "namespaces", that lists, comma-separated,
all the namespaces used in the document. The DOCTYPE, if present, counts as
one. The DOCTYPE, or the namespace of the root element, is listed first.
If other description mechanisms (schemas,...) are defined, the URIs used
for them can also be used.

This is extremely ironic given that the original namespace proposal
developed by the XML WG was to have namespace declarations only in
the prolog (at the top) of an XML document.  This would have made
lots of things easier, but higher authorities decided that it was 
necessary to completely revamp the namespace proposal at the last 
minute to give locally scoped namespace declarations.

Now there is this suggestion to collect all declared namespaces at
the top of the document again.  Isn't this going around in circles?
Whatever the reasons for going with locally scoped declarations, aren't
most of them also reasons against listing all such decls at the top?