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Re: Registration of media type application/xhtml-voice+xml

2005-07-13 09:48:42

On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 12:33:04PM -0400, Gerald McCobb wrote:
1. In particular there is the work in the W3C Compound Document Format 
(CDF) working group.  They are looking at defining a single media type 
that will handle the many possible document format combinations of XHTML, 
SVG, Voice, SMIL, XForms, etc.  This media type may include multiple "+" 
put in a profile attribute.

As a member of that WG, I can state (though not speaking for it) that
I've not seen this proposed, though it's possible it was mentioned in
passing.  You might be interested to know that of all the possible media
type names that have been suggested, all use "-" instead of "+" in the
subtype name preceding the "+xml" suffix.


Mark Baker.  Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.
Coactus; Web-inspired integration strategies