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2000-05-04 20:10:02
On Thu, 04 May 2000 20:39:43 EDT, Keith Moore said:
but sooner or later folks are going to be held liable for poor engineering
or poor implementation of networking software, just like folks today can be 
held liable for poor engineering or implementation of bridges or buildings.  

Not if the UCITA becomes legal.  Large immoral software vendors can
then ship software shrink-wrapped with a "if you break the seal
you agree to the license inside", and the license inside prohibits
you from reverse-engineering, publicising, or discussing bugs.

I kid you not.  Sometimes I wish the Virginia state constitution
was amended so a governor can suceed himself - currently, they're
only in for one consecutive term, so they tend to do splashy-but-longterm
bad things to use it as a springboard for a Congressional campaign...

At least the guys in Richmond had the sense to put a one-year study
period in before it becomes the law...  

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Operating Systems Analyst
                                Virginia Tech

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