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Re: Suggest a good email server pls

2000-06-16 06:50:03
On Fri, 16 Jun 2000 11:51:44 +0530, Faheem Ahmed Khan 
<Faheemak(_at_)talisma(_dot_)com>  said:
Can anybody suggest a good mail server on Unix pls. We are currently using
SIMS 2.0 from SUN and need one more other than this.

Could you explain *why* you need "one more other"?  We're currently using
SIMS 3.5 for a fairly large organization (some 60K mailboxes, and we just
barely missed hitting 2 million POP checks/day at the end of the semester),
on a E6500.  There's things we don't like, but it *does* get the job done
for us.  If you were more specific regarding the lacks, and whether you've
already checked into whether upgrading from 2.0 to 3.5 doesn't address
your concerns, we might be able to give better suggestions...

Somebody suggested QMail - the problem is that under high volumes, it *isnt*
the sending of mail that will get you - it's all the Eudora users who keep
checking their mail - you need a good/fast POP service more than you need
fast mail delivery.  I don't believe QMail has a POP service....
                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Operating Systems Analyst
                                Virginia Tech

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