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Re: Deployment vs the IPv6 community's ambivalence towards large providers

2000-08-18 10:20:03
On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, Robert Elz wrote:

There's nothing different this time, the established IPv4 network providers
see something that is challenging their established way or operating, and
the current services they offer.   Largely they're claiming that this new
stuff isn't needed, they can keep on operating the way they used to, ...

Just as happened with IP 10-15 years ago, people who want to use the new
technology will start out partly installing their own wires, and partly
just layering on top of the services provided by the old providers.  As the
numbers of users grows, new providers specialising in the new technology will

Wrong analogy. What is happening now is the equivalent of 60 hz electric
grid in the US. Something that is so entrenched that it will be for all
practical purposes, impossible to change from, unless there is a clearly
demonstrated improvement over the current infrastructure. My memory seems
to dredge up a "better than" multiplier on the order of 4 to 8 for a new
technology to supplant an existing old technology.

The IPv4 infrastructure has not yet reached the ubiquitousness of the
electric grid, but it is coming close.


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