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Re: Any value in this list ?

2001-07-31 12:40:02
On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 11:17:59 +0200, "H. Szumovski (via secureshell)" said:

.) Throw silently away mails containing the string "[spam" in the subject.

I've never actually seen a spam that has '[spam]' in the subject.

I save the RFC822 headers of mail I receive, and  of the 4,652 headers
I have going back to Feb 1, there are 13 that match 'grep -i spam'.  Of
those, 8 are from a thread "Subject: kyxspam: isc loses mind" and 5 are
from a thread "Subject: More member-only anti-spam".

On the other hand, I average 20-30 pieces of spam a day that do NOT
contain 'spam' in the Subject: header.  A better heuristic is called for.
                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Operating Systems Analyst
                                Virginia Tech

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