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Re: Why IPv6 is a must?

2001-11-28 09:00:02

"Sandy" == Sandy Wills <willss(_at_)mediaone(_dot_)net> writes:
    Sandy>    If his thermometers (and his thermostat) are available through the
    Sandy> web, perhaps we could run some tests here........  What kind of
    Sandy> experiments would we need to run, in order to tie this sub-thread 
    Sandy> into the security discussion?

  Are these thermometers tied at all to his furnace?

  If we can manipulate one (say the external one) either by putting foil
around it or insulation on top of it, can we cause his furnace to misbehave?
(Worse would be if we can do this with SNMP Set's...) 
  With finer resolution data we might be able to determine when he wakes up
in the morning, how late he is up each day. Why is the basement temperature
important? Maybe he has an office there? No, looks too cold.

  As for him being further north - I suspect that he is rather at higher
elevations as it does look cold for Kentucky. 

  As for the comments about C/F --- the presence of F at all means that he
was raised in the US. The presence of C means that he is an academic. 

]       ON HUMILITY: to err is human. To moo, bovine.           |  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON    |net architect[
] mcr(_at_)sandelman(_dot_)ottawa(_dot_)on(_dot_)ca |device driver[
] panic("Just another NetBSD/notebook using, kernel hacking, security guy");  [

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