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Re: Guidance for spam-control on IETF mailing lists

2002-03-16 15:30:03
Keith Moore wrote:
Lists for open discussion should require such hoops for participation,
esp. when there are plenty of reasonable, sufficiently correlated
identifiers than "not a list member" to identify spam.

assuming you meant "should not require" I'm very much in agreement.

Oops - typed too fast for Netscape. Yes, should NOT require.

especially when it's trivial to fix things so that the process used
by a moderator to approve a message also adds the sender of that message to the "allowed posters" list.

I don't want to approve senders. I want to approve posts. Some senders send approved posts as well as non-approved posts. Some formats are not approved (BCC, CC'd in long lists, etc.)

I don't want to filter on sender; I want to filter on spam content, so I filter on spam content. Using non-spam info (sender) to infer spam content is needlessly indirect.


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