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Re: Thinking differently about the site local problem (was: RE: site local addresses (was Re: Fw: Welcome to the InterNAT...))

2003-04-02 00:50:18

--On tirsdag, april 01, 2003 11:33:46 -0800 Bill Manning <bmanning(_at_)ISI(_dot_)EDU> wrote:

        Are the apps for which IPv6 is enabled that -can not-
        use address literals?  If so, then Steve is wrong and
        the DNS has become critical infrastructure to the working
        of the Internet.

anyone who believes that the DNS is not critical infrastructure for just about every single purpose the Internet is used for is either living in a fantasy world or has redefined the "Internet" to be something that's strictly at layer 3 and below.

there are advantages to being able to keep the layer 3 infrastructure running for a while (hours, I think) without referring to the DNS. But for end-user purposes, the DNS being down equates to the Internet being down.

Infrastructure doesn't get much more critical than that.


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