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Re: The utilitiy of IP is at stake here

2003-05-30 16:15:46
On Fri, 30 May 2003 15:53:10 MDT, Vernon Schryver 
<vjs(_at_)calcite(_dot_)rhyolite(_dot_)com>  said:

That's true only if you accept stuff in the mass media uncritically.
The mass media frequently get almost every thing else wrong by many
orders of magnitude, so why pick this tidbit to believe?
For Heaven's sake!  Do a sanity check and think about how you would
spend $0.5B on filtering spam.

I'd believe $500M on a forklift upgrade of the entire Hotmail/MSN infrastructure
if it had to deal with both the added volume of mail and the added resource
expense of filtering spam.  If they're seeing 2G spams/day, they're doing
about 2,000 times our volume - and our mail hub setup is about $500K (and
those of you who say that's too expensive, tough ;).  So they're about 1,000
times as much money for 2,000 as much volume - so in the right ballbark.

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