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Re: Solving the right problems ...

2003-09-02 21:20:02

I bow to your position.  We once had offices very close to each other.  
Remember MCI Mail? 

I am surprised you're back with MCI or whatever.  


Having quietly listened to what's being said, who's saying it, and where they 
are ...

I am reading email from some good thinkers, obviously good people, not quite 
open source gnomes, but close.   What's in it for me, or the world?  Obviously 
IETF picks some pretty nice places to meet.  And it is a pretty impressive 
org to work with to pretend to care about making a difference.  Hey, if you're 
in academia and want to eat, you'd better get some corporate funding.  Where do 
we go from here?  Eating good.  Unemployment bad.  

Well OK, what's best?  What's acceptable?  What keeps people employed? Bottom 
up?  Start with the itsy-bitsy, bit-by-bit lower level protocol bits and 
bytes and try to complete the Tower of Babel (which by the way I think was in 
Iraq), or take an Alan Turing type deep thinking approach that no employing 
company can or will afford?  (I wonder why he ate an apple spiced with 


Here's the point more specifically.  Considering the DEEP ISSUES people are 
beginning to discuss ( OK you do recognize them as deep issues right?) IETF is 
at a crossroad.  A "paradigm shift" from within is not possible.  Not given 
the funding employers.  Or the controlling employers.  Do you have the chutzpah 
or the intellectual purity to see the future beyond your next pay check?  Or, 
is this beyond the IETF, which I suspect is the case.  Or do we just wait for 
the Tower to complete and buy a farm in Montana?