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Re: PKIs and trust

2003-12-14 12:48:05
On Sun, 14 Dec 2003 14:14:56 EST, Keith Moore said:
I trust my mother and my siblings to make statements about the 
identities of other family members.
I trust the State of Tennessee to make statements about the identities 
of state agencies.

However, I'll bet a dinner that you most likely do *not* trust your mother and
siblings to make statements about State of Tennessee agencies, nor do you
trust said agencies to make statements about your family (barring direct 
they may have).

I trust state agencies to make statements about which they have 
authority: (e.g. automobile licensing) but not to make statements about 
things that are outside of their purview.

Yes, it's that "but not to" that's the real problem to represent.

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