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Re: AdminRest: IASA BCP: Finances and Accounting - principles

2004-11-26 17:19:45
"John" == John C Klensin <john(_at_)jck(_dot_)com> writes:

    John> Bert, _Far_ too much detail.  See earlier note about the
    John> bank account material.  I suspect that I speak for many
    John> members of the community when I say that I want to get this
    John> "admin" stuff fixed, and fixed as quickly and efficiently as
    John> possible, after which I Do Not want to have to revisit it at
    John> regular intervals, through Last Calls or otherwise.

So, what level of detail do you think is appropriate?  

Is the community still interested in guaranteeing that the IASA is
reasonably seperable from ISOC if necessary?  How much detail is
needed to allow the community to evaluate whether the IASA will in
fact be seperable?  Is it sufficient to simply state seperability as a
goal or do we want to deal with specific details like the bank

Personally, I do believe that stating some details would help me
evaluate whether IASA is seperable and would require the IETF's
consent in order to change the details.  I do think that requiring
IASA keep separate bank accounts is probably desirable at the BCP


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