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Re: Keeping this IETF's schedule in the future...?

2005-08-03 06:44:22
In message <E32465322FD83BF1D45007F6(_at_)AS-S2N>, John C Klensin writes:

--On Wednesday, August 03, 2005 09:16 -0400 "Andrew G. Malis" 
<andymalis(_at_)comcast(_dot_)net> wrote:

I did notice fewer people in the bar than usual.  Given how
much work gets done at bar bofs, that's significant.

I suspect that's due to what they charge in the hotel bar more
than anything else! :-)

To the extent to which bar bof meetings are semi- or completely 
spontaneous (and many are), having multiple bars in separate 
buildings doesnâ??t help much either.   I've gone looking for 
people late evening, tried two places in one building and one in 
the other, and given up.  And I've mounted that intense a 
search only once.

We've had that discussion many times -- think of the post-Vienna 
discussions.  Multiple hotels/bars are definitely a bad idea.  But 
they're not always avoidable.

                --Steven M. Bellovin,

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