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Re: Stopping loss of transparency...

2005-08-17 09:13:40
Hi Brian,

You can ask some pointed questions using RFC 4084 ("exactly which
of these descriptions applies to your service, and please show

Thanks for a pointer to that BCP...

me in the contract where you are allowed to change your service
without notice").  But I suspect that even free copies of

Unfortunately they have a passage in their general terms and conditions
which explictly allows them to place their web portal as starting
page...however, they announced a new feature, but one could not
infer from that statement that they are really redirecting HTTP requests...
(for the interested reader who is able to read german:

RFC 1958, 2775, 3234 and 4084 will not be enough to convince them.

Right, however, I have a slight hope that they may care, since
they are testing the feature in a limited scope instead of just
enabling it for all users, and, currently one can still turn it off
(but how for long?)


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