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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Appeal: Publication of draft-lyon-senderid-core-01 in conflict with referenced draft-schlitt-spf-classic-02

2005-08-26 12:02:09

In <tslbr3klgb4(_dot_)fsf(_at_)cz(_dot_)mit(_dot_)edu> Sam Hartman 
<hartmans-ietf(_at_)mit(_dot_)edu> writes:

"wayne" == wayne  <wayne(_at_)schlitt(_dot_)net> writes:

    wayne> I asked for the IESG to not consider the SPF I-D to be
    wayne> experiemental.  It was turned down.  According to Ted,
    wayne> *none* of the IESG members expressed interest in changing
    wayne> the status from Experiemental.

As a point of fact, I only saw requests from you to publish as a
proposed standard or some other standards track document rather than

Of course I would not have seen private communication between you and

however if you do not consider SPF an experiment, standards track is
not the only status to consider.

Yes, good point.  I really hadn't considered other status.  I guess
Informational might also be appropriate.

I still think Standard Track is most appropriate, but again, I don't
think it would be a productive use of time to try and change the
current Experimental designation.


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