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Re: Petition to the IESG for a PR-action against Jefsey Morfin posted

2005-10-03 08:52:58
In message <43414FEC(_dot_)2020901(_at_)zurich(_dot_)ibm(_dot_)com>, Brian E 
Carpenter writes:
Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:
If the IESG has the time to compile blacklists and go on witch hunts,
perhaps it doesn't have enough work to justify its existence.

Randy Preshun has already responded, but let me observe that the
IESG did not initiate this proposed action, does not have a blacklist,
is not known for hunting witches, and would much rather spend its time
on technical and managerial work than on netiquette.

Speaking as a former AD -- and as someone who, when wearing a WG chair 
hat, had to request suspension of someone's posting privileges from the 
WG mailing list -- I can confirm this.  Dealing with disciplinary 
issues was at the very bottom of my list of favorite things to do as 
AD, even below understanding and copying with our process....

                --Steven M. Bellovin,

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