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Re: udp source address change

2006-02-11 22:31:01
On Sat, 11 Feb 2006 10:13:53 +0900, Masataka Ohta 
<mohta(_at_)necom830(_dot_)hpcl(_dot_)titech(_dot_)ac(_dot_)jp> said:

Protocols and implementations should generally respond using the
address to which the request packet was sent.  That being said, there
are sometimes protocol reasons not to do this and sometimes
implementations don't necessarily handle things properly internally.
But, I doubt most protocols ever specify the "legality" of what
address is used to respond to a request.

Masataka> RFC1035 says it a bug. So, it should be illegal.

It does say it's a bug but doesn't exactly say "illegal".  And 1035
only applies to DNS.  There is no general statement about UDP

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