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RE: are we willing to do change how we do discussions in IETF?

2006-06-28 11:58:24

From: Keith Moore [mailto:moore(_at_)cs(_dot_)utk(_dot_)edu] 

No, Dave, you insisted on interrupting me and shouting me 
down when I tried to raise these issues in the BOFs - doing 
your best to prevent me from making my case.  And you're not 
just one voice, you are one of the document authors.  

As for rough consensus, you seem to forget that there are two 
necessary conditions for standardization - one is rough 
consensus, the other is technical soundness.  

It is seldom the case that I agree with Dave Crocker on anything. I don't 
remember Dave being a nuisance at the DKIM meeting I attended, I admit I did 
miss one of them.

If one gets shouted down in a BOF the usual recourse is to take it to the WG 
mailing list or to the IETF list.

I am still waiting to see a description of the defects you believe that you 
have identified in either forum. I have asked you to describe them here several 
times, you have refused.

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