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Re: Meetings in other regions

2006-07-14 12:07:20
    > From: Avri Doria <avri(_at_)psg(_dot_)com>

    >> the european and asiapac meetings, from the proceedings.
    >> ...
    >> Yokohama, for example, was 1977 folks, of which 1/4 were US and
    >> perhaps 40% were Japanese. Seoul was similar.

    > a large number of participants will come from whatever region the
    > meeting is in .. giving us no objective criteria for weighing one
    > region over another.

Try taking the overall NA data, and removing the NA people; the remaining
data should be relatively unbiased (e.g. the Asia/Europe ratio should be
fairly close to the "actual" value). Do the same for the European and Asian
meetings, only there remove the respective "local" numbers (i.e. European
and Asian). Judicious comparison of results should give you a pretty close
values for the true overall NA/European/Asian ratios.


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