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RE: SRV records considered dubious (was: Re: DNS Choices: Was: [ietf-dkim] Re: Last Call: 'DomainKeys)

2006-11-22 18:48:41

From: Mark_Andrews(_at_)isc(_dot_)org 

      Note it is possible to upgrade the DNS servers and *still*
      have active directory support.

You lose the coupling of AD and DNS.

That seriously impair the DKIM/MARID value proposition. It is a major 
infrastructure change.

      A compentent system administator would use all the 
tools available
      to them.

No a competent admin looks at the cost / benefit. 

      The fact that you seem to want to restrict the solution space
      to only Microsoft Windows servers on a Windows box is what has
      clouded your judgement.

No, the fact that I do not choose to force the products of your employer down 
people's throats is not an error of judgement on my part.

In my space failing to take account of the largest server provider is a 
deployment issue. 

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