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Re: Remote participation (re: identifying yourself at the mic)

2007-03-27 13:48:47
On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 04:42:33PM -0400, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
On Tuesday, March 27, 2007 02:39:49 PM -0500 Nicolas Williams 
<Nicolas(_dot_)Williams(_at_)sun(_dot_)com> wrote:

It'd be nice if there was a way for remote participants who are able to
speak to do so.  We tried ad-hoc VOIP + MP3 feed at IETF67 in the KITTEN
WG, but the round-trip latency was awful -- we need a better solution.

It's worth noting that in that particular experiment, the round trip time 
was dominated by the latency of the multicast audio feed which we were 
using for one half of the link.  If we were to try this again, we'd use the 
VOIP link for both directions to the remote speaker, to avoid annoying 
latency issues.

Which should deal with the echo cancellation issues, provided a
conference bridge, say.  That should work for remote presenters.

For other remote participants a VOIP teleconference system would be
great.  We do this all the time at Sun internally for large meetings, so
it should work.  (The IETF might have to charge remote participants a
conference call fee, if it uses a third party provider, say.)

My point, however, was that one way to solve the id-at-mic problem is to
make the problem symmetric for all participants :)

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