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RE: joining the IETF is luxury Re: 70th IETF - Registration

2007-09-07 16:18:09
Adrian Farrel wrote:
We shall see, but I don't know that putting up the price
necessarily fixes the registration income issue. You only
have to deter a relatively small proportion of attendees to
wipe out the increase in charge.

I assume that the converse is also being applied: viz.
cutting meeting costs. It's hard for us oiks to tell because we only
- registration fee
- breakfasts/cookies

Anyway, registration is still the smallest component of attendance
for me. Hotel and travel are still bigger problems, and I continue
to wonder whether we could increase attendance (and hence
registration income) by facilitating cheaper accommodation and

Like Adrian the associated costs are a factor for myself, the meeting fee
itself is very reasonable compared to other conferences.  The biggest factor
for me is the time.  I don't seem to have the time to contribute enough even
on the online possibilities let alone attend meetings.

I suspect that when I will have the time, the expense will not be a factor
but by then the willingness to participate will have gone.

At least at present everyone has the possibility of putting forward input
either online or in person with the IETF, it is one of the main attractions
I see with the organisation.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch 

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