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Re: IPv6 will never fly: ARIN continues to kill it

2007-09-12 11:09:17
On 9/12/07, ietf-discuss(_at_)vix(_dot_)com <ietf-discuss(_at_)vix(_dot_)com> 
<snip> has my thoughts on this, which
i've appropriated without permission from hinden, huston, and narten
and inaccurately failed to remove their names from (since none of them
supports the proposal).  in fact, nobody in the ietf intelligensia
supports the proposal.  the showstopped is that this appears to many as
an end-run around PI, and the fear is that there's no way to prevent it

are they still refusing to put it into the queue or do anything? Even after
several month? Well let really hope that will change now when/if
IPv6-wg change the name to 6man and we can start working again!


Roger Jorgensen           |
rogerj(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com          | - IPv6 is The Key!   | roger(_at_)jorgensen(_dot_)no

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