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Re: About IETF communication skills

2008-08-01 09:56:20
On Fri, 1 Aug 2008 07:38:27 +0100
Paul Hoffman <paul(_dot_)hoffman(_at_)vpnc(_dot_)org> wrote:

Folks: please review all of the IETF-related articles in the IT trade 
press from the past five years. Discard the articles that say "the 
IETF is considering Foo" when in fact someone had submitted a -00 
draft. The very small pile that remains, including interviews with 
our leadership about where they think the IETF is going and in-depth 
articles comparing multiple contenders being considered in IETF 
areas, are mostly written by Carolyn Duffy Marsan.

Indeed.  I've personally dealt with her quite often, and she's always
represented what I've said quite accurately and fairly -- even one time
when I wished she hadn't....  I have exactly zero complaints about her

                --Steve Bellovin,
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