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Re: On being public (Was: Call for Nominees)

2008-09-15 15:00:23
On 9/15/08 at 2:42 PM -0400, Michael StJohns wrote:

So its really not a fair and level playing ground.  Either all 
should do it or none.

Note that there are arguments that go the other way - but most of 
those could somewhat be cured by the non-public candidate making 
things public.  I'm not arguing that making candidacy public is the 
way to go - and in fact I see more problems that not with going that 
way, but I am arguing that a voluntary approach such as Pete is 
recommending is worse than either of the two alternatives.

I will repeat that the current state of affairs is neither "all" nor 
"none". RFC 3777 has no rule in this regard; it is currently 
voluntary. And some people have always disclosed. So I'm simply 
suggesting that we voluntarily get closer to "all" and start 
encouraging the "cultural sophistication" Leslie talked about.

Pete Resnick <>
Qualcomm Incorporated - Direct phone: (858)651-4478, Fax: (858)651-1102
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