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Re: [76attendees] Smart Grid "Bar BOF" Slides

2009-11-11 22:48:43
Tim had some troubles setting up the WebEx conference, so we are using
audio streaming, along with a Jabber chatroom here:


On 11/11/09 5:44 PM, Fred Baker wrote:
FYI - the slide decks in use for the Smart Grid "Bar BOF" are available at:

We will be running webex tonight, and slides are of course visible there
as well.

On Nov 11, 2009, at 1:29 PM, Polk, William T. wrote:

[As before, my apologies for the shotgun nature of this email.]


I would like to provide an update to the logistics and agenda for
tonight's Smart Grid Bar BOF.

The Bar BOF will begin at 8:30 so that folks attending the plenary
have a chance to grab dinner.  Note that the meeting room will be
Acacia West (prior announcements indicated Acacia 1).

Here is the current agenda..

Smart Grid Bar BOF Agenda
8:30PM - ?, Acacia West
November 11, 2009

I. Agenda Bashing (5 minutes)
       Tim Polk
II. Smart Grid Overview (15 minutes)
       Jim St. Pierre/Tim Polk
III. Japanese Interest in Smart Grid (15 minutes)
       Hiroshi Esaki
IV. Introduction to the IP Priority Action Plan (15 minutes)
       Tim Polk
V. Discussion of draft-baker-ietf-core (15 minutes)
       Fred Baker
VI. Is the IETF the right place to do this work?
       Russ Housley
VII. How should the work be organized? (contingent on V.)
       Ralph Droms

Slides will be available via webex for remote participants, but we
will be using the IETF streaming audio feed for sound.  The URLs for
webex access have been appended to this message.

The audio feed for this session will be streamed at the following URL:
Remote participants will not be able to speak, but can send comments
and questions in the webex chat room.


Tim Polk

----- webex access details -----

Frederick Baker invites you to attend this online meeting.

Topic: Smart Grid Bar BOF in Hiroshima
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009
Time: 8:00 pm, Japan Time (Tokyo, GMT+09:00)
Meeting Number: 205 017 176
Meeting Password: smartgrid

To join the online meeting (Now from iPhones too!)
1. Go to

2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Enter the meeting password: smartgrid
4. Click "Join Now".

To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:

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