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Re: Registration of media type application/calendar+xml

2010-09-10 12:40:55
On 9/10/10 11:21 AM, Keith Moore wrote:

An XML representation for iCalendar is vital if we are to keep
iCalendar relevant in the web-based world. The drive for this
work comes from a number of areas - in particular the smart
grid effort sponsored by NIST will make use of this as part of
the standards suite they are defining.

Somebody needs to talk some sense into those people.  Defining
another calendar format will only harm interoperability.  It
doesn't save any calendar implementation from needing to
implement another parser, because if it wants to interoperate
with existing products or be able to read old events it's still
going to have to support iCalendar and probably vCalendar also.
So what's the _technical_ (not political) benefit from doing

First of all look at the mess we have got into with contacts (see
recent discussion on the vcarddav WG mailing list). There we now
have vCard, PoCo, OpenSocial and some new thing the OMA is doing
(and their are lots of private apis too). Yet vCard has been around
for a long time - why didn't those other folks just use that or at
least propose fixes or extension to vcard that would satisfy their
issues? Well, certainly in the case of PoCo one clear requirement
was for a simple web/browser based solution - so they designed JSON
and XML representations.

Mumble.  It's a lot harder to make a web browser do something useful
with a calendar object (no matter what the syntax) than it is to make
a web browser do something useful with contact information.

And I *like* JSON.  I think it's a good approximation to what XML
should have been.

It's not clear to me how your personal preference for JSON over XML is
relevant to registration of the application/calendar+xml media type or
continued work on draft-daboo-et-al-icalendar-in-xml. However, given
that you seem to object to the XML representation of vCards, calendaring
objects, and just about anything else, I suggest that you start a thread
about XML vs. JSON on the apps-discuss list rather than filling up the
archives of the ietf-types and ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org lists.


Peter Saint-Andre

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