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Re: MHonArc mail archive line wrapping

2011-02-17 16:15:20
Stuart Cheshire wrote:

- Limit line length to fewer than 65 characters and end a line
with a carriage return.

I'm sure that was all wonderful back in the century of teletypes and (if 
you were very lucky) a 80-column VT100 terminal, but these days I read 
email on devices ranging from my phone at one end of the spectrum to my 
desktop computer with dual 30-inch displays at the other.

The assumption on line length is necessary to have multilevel
quotation ("> ", ">> ", etc., see above) with plain text.

On my 30-inch displays your hard-wrapped text appears as a thin narrow 
ribbon of text no matter how wide the window is, and on my phone your 
hard-wrapped lines are too long to fit so they get re-wrapped to that 
charming long/short/long/short pattern so characteristic of hard-wrapped 
text displayed on any device other than the one it was created on.

We know that we can use directives of structured text such as:

        .in +3
        .in -3

when necessary.

But, when plain text is good enough, we use plain text.

Assuming you have ASCII key board, 80-column assumption is

                                                Masataka Ohta
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