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Re: [fun] [homegate] HOMENET working group proposal

2011-06-30 11:06:49

On Jun 30, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Fernando Gont wrote:

On 06/30/2011 12:46 PM, Keith Moore wrote:
I'd like for this group to relax the "wherever possible" bit, so as to not 
preclude solutions where IPv6 can do a better job than IPv4.

IPv4 is a dinosaur gasping for its last breaths.

Just curious: when you expect IPv4 to be gone? (including "gone" from
home and enterprise networks)

I think it will be used for email and the web for at least ten years.
I think there will be a need to talk to legacy IPv4-only devices for about that 
long, perhaps a bit longer.
But IPv4 is already difficult to use for a great many applications, and it will 
only get worse with the imposition of LSN.  A home network that only supports 
IPv4, or which makes IPv6 as crippled as IPv4, is not a desirable goal.


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