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Re: SORBS blacklist

2011-07-01 12:40:02

On Jul 1, 2011, at 10:10 AM, Joel Jaeggli wrote:

the ietf has some of the more heavily and consistently moderated mailing 
lists on the planet.

but how well does the IETF do in not producing email in response to SPAM?   
Seems the IETF generates a lot of backscatter, and aside from scattering this 
to individual boxes all over the Internet, it's going to scatter into various 
spam traps… and that's likely to cause a listing in any services that use spam 
traps.  Those who implement spam traps do put filters on them, so that commonly 
produced bounces don't cause listing, but it's had to deal with the many custom 
bounce messages (especially ones which don't use standard headers to indicate 
they are auto-generated).

Has anyone examined all the various sorts of auto-generated messages the IETF 
produces to make sure they are reasonably detected as auto-generated messages?

That should be part of us doing our part to help deal with SPAM.

-- Kurt
Ietf mailing list

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