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Re: Requirement to go to meetings

2011-10-23 12:00:03

On Oct 23, 2011, at 10:19 AM, Melinda Shore wrote:

On 10/22/11 10:26 PM, Dave CROCKER wrote:
So the question is how to move the center of gravity back to mailing lists?

In all honesty I'd say that the largest source of this problem is
working group chairs, both for using meetings as deadline anchors
and for doing a really crappy job managing remote participation
during meetings (and thereby increasing the need to be there in
person).  A few do an outstanding job, a few don't even try, and
most are somewhere in the middle.  It may be worth doing a wg chairs
training session on this topic during an upcoming meeting.


I understand your point about using the meetings as an anchor but want to dig 
into the managing remote participation during IETF meetings better. 

Can you give an example of chairs that do it well and what is it they do? Then 
perhaps contrast with what it is that chairs that do it poorly are doing. Feel 
free to use me as an example of a chair that does it poorly - I have no idea 
how to do it so it works at all much less works well. 

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