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Re: [IETF] Re: Last Call: <draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-rtr-19.txt> (The RPKI/Router Protocol) to Proposed Standard

2011-12-20 19:18:23

On Dec 20, 2011, at 6:00 PM, Danny McPherson wrote:

I'm kinda surprised the security ADs are OK with this in a brand new 
connection-oriented protocol meant to increase security of the network:


"Caches and routers MUST implement unprotected transport 
over TCP using a port, rpki-rtr, to be assigned, see Section 12.
Operators SHOULD use procedural means, ACLs, ... to reduce 
the exposure to authentication issues."


Just below the text that you included there is: "If available to the operator, 
caches and routers SHOULD use one of the following more protected protocols." 
and a list of things including AO, SSH, TCP MD5, IPSEC, TLS. 

Sections 7.1. (SSH Transport), 7.2.  (TLS Transport), 7.3.  (TCP MD5 Transport) 
and 7.4.  (TCP-AO Transport) provide more information on using these.

The Security Considerations section also say:
      So the strength of the trust relationship and the transport
      between the router(s) and the cache(s) are critical.  You're
      betting your routing on this.
      Transports which can not provide the necessary authentication and
      integrity (see Section 7) must rely on network design and
      operational controls to provide protection against spoofing/
      corruption attacks.

I'm sure that the authors would have preferred to simply say "Use TCP-AO", and 
saved themselves a bunch of typing (and Security warnings, etc) -- it is 
obvious that they are not tying to gloss over the concerns.

Unfortunately not all OSs support TCP-AO…. Well then, it seems that, as routers 
already support SSH it should be simple to wrap a TCP stream, yes? 
Unfortunately no -- not all implementations have a simple library type model. 
Same things for IPSec / TLS, etc.

In an ideal world there would be ubiquitous, secure, fast, cheap, reliable, 
unencumbered transport security -- unfortunately we are not there (yet). Folk 
who have support for secure transports available should use them, but if I 
don't, I'd still like to have the option to deploy this.

The perfect is the enemy of the good.



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