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Re: [apps-discuss] Last Call: <draft-ietf-appsawg-http-forwarded-06.txt> (Forwarded HTTP Extension) to Proposed Standard

2012-07-11 08:42:48
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 08:43:43 -0700
SM <sm(_at_)resistor(_dot_)net> wrote:
In Section 6.3:

   'To distinguish the obfuscated identifier from other identifiers,
    it MUST have a leading underscore "_".'

I suggest removing the requirement and using "can".  The implementer 
can decide what to put in that field.  

At 04:28 10-07-2012, Andreas Petersson wrote:
I think that will make parsing harder, and give no benefit at all.

It allows for more random bits of information.

(adding context again)


Can you substantiate a bit on this statement?
How is it "random bits of information" when the specifications says
that it MUST be underscore?

As far as I can think of, the only thing that it will tell is that the
implementation is following this specification.
So, on the contrary; the more "degrees of freedom" that is given to the
implementation, the easier it would be to do fingerprinting.


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