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Re: Draft IESG Statement on Removal of an Internet-Draft from the IETF Web Site

2012-09-21 08:11:44
On Sep 20, 2012, at 21:22, SM <sm(_at_)resistor(_dot_)net> wrote:

We just had a consensus call in one WG on adopting a draft that at this time 
had been expired for a year.
The chairs didn't notice, because the URI was stable (as it should be).

Send a message with a subject line of Resurrect I-D file to internet-drafts@.

Actually, in this case I'd rather have the author resubmit, just to make sure 
not only the rest of the WG, but also the author continues to like the draft...
(But I'm not chair for this WG.)

(My problem was not that draft expiry makes the process more complicated, but 
that the chairs didn't notice the expiry and I can't blame them.)

Grüße, Carsten

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