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Re: A proposal for a scientific approach to this question [was Re: I'm struggling with 2219 language again]

2013-01-08 20:47:29
On 9 January 2013 01:19, John Day <jeanjour(_at_)comcast(_dot_)net> wrote:

One person's gap is another person's bug.  What may be obvious to one as
something that must occur may not be so to the other.  Then there is that
fine line between what part of the specification is required for the
specification and what part is the environment of the implementation.


A gap in the specification will result in all implementations having
the same unintended behaviour, because the developers understood and
followed the spec 100%.

Bugs are distinguishable from gaps because they occur in some
implementations but not others and arise from misinterpretation of
some aspect of the specification.  In this context, over-engineering
is a bug, as distinct from competitive advantage.


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