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Re: Appointment of a Transport Area Director

2013-03-07 14:49:29
On Thu, 7 Mar 2013, Dave Crocker wrote:

The IESG defines the job requirements. The Nomcom selects according to those criteria.

I'm been in a number of Nomcom's that wished for some flexibility concerning job requirements, but each of these Nomcoms was very clear that it did not have a mandate to make changes in job criteria.

That is, the Nomcoms each viewed themselves as executing IESG policy, rather than formulating policy.

I have not been on a NomCom with Dave Crocker. When I was on Nomcom (without Dave), I recall explicitly questioning some of the IESG's stated job requirements.

In general, I think it is entirely appropriate for NomComs to second-guess the IESG's job requirements, and some nomcoms (or at least some nomcom members) have done so.

-- Sam