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Re: Regarding call Chinese names

2013-07-10 21:17:45
On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 8:55 AM, S Moonesamy <sm+ietf(_at_)elandsys(_dot_)com> 
Hi Deng Hui,

At 17:04 10-07-2013, Hui Deng wrote:

We submitted two drafts to help people here to correctly call chinese
people names:

I would like to thank you and your co-author on taking the initiative to
write the drafts.  I don't know whether I am western or not. :-)


In Section 3 of draft-deng-call-chinese-names-00:

  'Two generic titles that have similar meanings to "Mr." and
   "Ms./Mrs." are "Xian1sheng1" and "Nv3Shi4".'

  "(1,2,3,4 in this section will be explained in next section)

There are digits in two words in the above.  I suggest making the comment
about the numbers clearer by mentioning that the digits are intentional and
they are used to denote the tone.

Thanks for the comments, we will revise accordingly.
btw: tones are really difficult to handle, similar for us Chinese to
use the modal words and intonations in English.

S. Moonesamy