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Re: 6tsch BoF

2013-08-02 01:56:14
On 8/1/13 6:25 PM, Melinda Shore wrote:
On 8/1/13 1:29 AM, joel jaeggli wrote:
Consensus for any particular outcome is in the end a judgment call.
Well, yes and no, but this situation strikes me as odd, and probably
a mistake on the part of the chairs.  If you can't tell whether or
not you've got consensus, you don't have consensus.
Yes agree The distinction of none or any variant of something else is a
judgement call.
  It sounds like
they were treating the hum as a vote in the first place (which we
do entirely too often).
I see nothing wrong with taking the temperature of the room.  further
exposition on the mailing list might be a discriminator that would be
easier to identify the positions and what action should therefore occur.


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